Almost Thirty, pt. 2

Algarve Sunset

One can’t help but reflect on the past year when your birthday starts to creep up in your calendar. In my case, this year has me looking back through an entire decade and thinking “What did my twenties teach me?” Here’s part 2 in my Almost Thirty reflection.

Today’s post: Family and friends are everything

I am blessed. I am so fucking blessed.

I have the most loving, supportive, inspirational, motivational, knowledgeable, kind, funny, compassionate, caring and entertaining people in my life.

From my immediate to my extended family, my “almost in-laws”, my friends, and my partner in life, each individual holds a special place in my heart, and each of them are invaluable to me.

Throughout my twenties I have met new life-long friends, and have had some blow-outs with older ones. I have witnessed friends fall in love, get married, and have beautiful children and I have also comforted others that have suffered from broken hearts. I have let some friendships fall to the wayside and cut some people loose after their true colours revealed themselves.

I have realized that my parents are two of my best friends, and my brother is the best kid I know (yes, he’s 25, but he’ll always be my little brother). I have witnessed just how strong the bonds of family can be and have also discovered that family is not limited to blood lines. I have also met my love, whom I will never let go.

Now, I could go on and on about the people in my life, and my undying love for them, but I will keep it short and to the point instead.

My twenties have taught me to surround yourself with people who inspire and motivate you to be the best person you can be. People who add something to your journey, people who want to celebrate your successes, and those who will be there to catch you when you fall. These people are my everything.

My father always says “Life is about the story you create” and I feel blessed to have so many colourful characters making an appearance in my life story.

What have your twenties taught you? Care to share?


  1. April 21, 2015 / 5:56 pm

    Wow! True and wise words that relate to every decade of a person’s life.

  2. April 23, 2015 / 12:18 am

    Hi Sarah, enjoy your blog every morning.

  3. April 23, 2015 / 1:51 am

    Great thoughts Sarah. You have a gift of summing it all up in beautiful words.
    My twenties taught me how much I shouldn’t drink, what I shouldn’t drink and when I should go to bed. Needless to say, I am looking forward to remembering more of my thirties than my twenties 🙂

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